Kamnik, a town embraced by the Kamnik-Savinja Alps, is considered one of the most beautiful medieval towns in Slovenia. Once a flourishing trading town, where the counts of Andechs from Bavaria had their seat counts of Andechs from Bavaria. At that time, Kamnik was the capital of Carniola.


Ljubljana (pop. 293,000) is one of the smallest European capitals. It’s never crowded – but also never boring. 50,000 university students give it its youthful appeal, and as an economic and cultural hub of Slovenia, it has a lot to offer to locals and visitors alike.


With immense natural beauty, Bled, together with its surroundings, ranks among the most beautiful alpine resorts, renowned for its mild, healing climate and thermal lake water. The beauty of the mountains reflected on the lake, the sun, the serenity and the fresh air arouse pleasant feelings in visitors throughout the year, guaranteeing an ideal base or a relaxing break or an active holiday. Bled attracts businessmen, artists, athletes, explorers, sport enthusiasts, the old and the young, from all over the world, enchanting them to return again and again.


Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe, so gorska veriga, poimenovana po mestu Kamnik na eni strani in reki Savinji na drugi strani Alp. Najvišji vrh, Grintovec v višino meri 2.556 metrov nadmorske višine in prav po njem smo poimenovali našo agencijo – Greentovci. Območje predstavlja naš domač teren v katerem ustvarjamo že od naše mladosti in želimo, da takšno tudi ostane za naslednje generacije. Ta del Alp se lahko pohvali z bogato naravno in kulturno dediščino, ki je v veliki meri povezana z alpsko arhitekturo, navadami in načinom življenja. Za vas lahko pripravimo kreativne dogodke na izjemnih lokacijah, ki niso obremenjene s prevelikim številom ljudi, ampak nudijo prijeten umirjen utrip, ki ga ustvarjajo delovni in veseli ljudje.


Blessed with natural wonders and interesting people, Postojna is also a place full of stories and mysterious legends. Even its name is an invitation to spend time here with us, since “Postojna” also means to stop for a time (from the verb postojáti or postati). With good reason, as you will soon discover. 


The Lipica estate is the central attraction of the Karst region, and one of Slovenia’s main cultural monuments. In addition to the breeding of horses, Lipica is also a monument with over 400 years of cultural and natural heritage that was co-shaped in harmony between man and horse.

Please visit explore more to see what inspires you so that we can together develop some beautiful activities and experiences, in order to deliver to you the most of our region’s beauty. It could be daily tours from your chosen accommodation or multi day tours, including specially prepared activities.